New Poem: Discipleship Can Be Messy
Discipleship is a good thing: something to seek and make an effort for like food and shelter.
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Great Bible Books for Children
I was requested recently to give some recommendations for good Bible read alouds for children. I promised to pull...
Today’s Newspaper Article About Mary Baker Eddy
I am a regular contributor to the Danbury News Times Forum on Faith column, which is also picked up...
From the Lorica of Saint Patrick
Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my...
Quotes About Perfection from the Bible
There were so many great quotes about perfection in last week’s Bible Lesson, I post some of them here...
Frame of Reference is Important
Things are literally different depending on “the frame of reference” you view them from, and this has been proven...
Being Spiritually Minded
For this month, in my project of contemplating and growing in one attribute of Spirit at a time, I...
Energy Instead of Mass
We usually consider matter as solid, but it is far from it. The closer you get to looking at...
Now Comes Quiet
Now is the season of snuggling under downy covers. Now is the season of cuddling in our warm woolies...
Prayer in a Blizzard
Given that we are expecting anywhere from 16 to 36 inches of snow in the next twelve hours, I...
Working like Spirit Does
A month ago, I blogged about being positive as the first entry in a project of more consciously imbibing...