Ingratitude of Barren Lives (Polly Preaching #7)
Live! Get moving, be grateful, use your gifts, appreciate all the good around you.
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“Love Not the World?!” (Polly Preaching #6)
Here I repudiate the passage where the Bible tells us not to love the world.
Identity (New Metaphysical Poem by Polly Castor)
Does every expression have a private identity of its own?
Love Yourself (Deep Think #16)
There is an important and necessary way to love yourself, as well as an approach to be avoided.
Be the Light of the World (Gregory Boyle Quote)
Like this weeping cherry tree, be who you are and shine forth!
Circulation of Ideas (New Poem by Polly Castor)
...in an endlessly shiny ring of supply meeting demand and demand meeting supply.
What You Do and Think Matters!
Every error we overcome in our own life, supports the eventual overthrowing of error in the entire world.
Recent Bible Lesson Journal Pages
My ongoing, in depth, Bible Lesson study goes on. See in these pages what I've been both thinking about...
Recent Artist Journal Pages (some with Words, some Spiritual)
Here you can get an inside look at my recent musings.
My Article for Easter in Three Connecticut Newspapers Today
Read here how I would define the meaning of Easter: Jesus came to show us we live forever.