New Poem by Me: Marriage a Secure Friendship
Marriage a Secure Friendship It’s the last day of the long President’s Day weekend. All our children were away:...
My Haiku in the Aftermath of Arizona Shootings
I am so appalled why harsh violence happens when Love is power Precious, innocent people killed so brutally unnecessary...
Best of 2010
Yeah! Celebrating my second year of this daily blog. It’s only missing three weeks from Sept/October which will...
My Daughter’s Poem: Emmanuel
Wishing you a blessed Christmas! I made the Swedish star above and my thirteen year old daughter wrote the...
Color Poems (Poetry Without Words)
A lot of the painting I’ve been doing lately is of meditative poetic expression without words. What do you...
New Poem by Me: God Never Martyrs One Idea In Favor of Another
God Never Martyrs One Idea in Favor of Another The lion lying with the lamb, each dwelling in their...
New Poem by me: Coming up for Air
Coming up for Air Some people are water skiers through life skimming the surface, moving quickly along bumpily full...
New Poem By Me: Sexuality Can Be Beautiful
Sexuality Can Be Beautiful We learn that God is all; matter is nothing. Spirit, being all, could not create...
New Poem by me: The Power of Editing
The Power of Editing For the longest time my youngest daughter wanted to write but was frustrated, intimidated and...
Poem: Motherhood is a Gift
Motherhood is a Gift An infant’s earnest gaze The giggling feet of a baby in a high chair about...
Poem: Easter Morning
Easter Morning Hungry bears awakening from hibernation Glorious spring blooms arousing from shriveled dormancy Beautiful butterflies emerging from...