My Son’s Senior Picture
I brought my two daughters to the photographer when we had my son’s senior picture taken,
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Recent Black & White Photographs
Isn’t today’s date awesome? 11/11/11… We’ll see only one more like that! Anyway… here are some of the black...
Photos from Today’s Hike at Huntington
My daughter and I had a great hike today at Huntington State Park. Thousands of trees were down and...
Trick or Treat?
With no power, we had a very different type of Halloween. No trick or treaters, conventional style. No one...
Early Photos of October Snow
Yesterday we got 10-16 inches of snow. It was odd to see snow on the trees while they still...
Photos of a Consignment Shop
Yesterday, on a rare lazy Saturday afternoon, we found ourselves browsing in this consignment shop. Photos here were taken...
Photos of Cabbage
Here is some fodder for abstract paintings… Cut one in half and it is a completely different experience of...
Flowers of Indian Summer
During the stellar weather we’ve been having lately, I’ve enjoyed these flowers…