Hands of Two New Babies
Welcome to both of you dear children! Since you live in the same town where I do, I wonder...
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Photos of our Re-blooming Amaryllis
The amaryllis are re-blooming again; they never cease inspiring me to photograph them...
Photos of Danbury High School
Today I visited this high school in a district other than mine to pay for my son’s spring AP...
Today’s Photos of Glass Block
I couldn’t help but appreciate this wall of glass block in the library stairwell as well. And you wonder...
Sixty Degrees in January?
A year ago, we had bragging rights on 62 inches of snow in January alone. This January, the...
Photos of 3 Week Old Bunnies
We were privileged to visit some adorable three–week–old bunnies outside on a sunny January day last Tuesday.
Photos of IKEA
We enjoyed a trip to IKEA to stock up on candles and drinking glasses, and also bought a short...
Photos Driving in NYC
I drove to the City today for the memorial service of a wonderful client of mine from when I...
Photos of Yesterday’s Sunset
I was at a meeting with my son in someone’s lovely home adjacent to a bay on Long Island...
Best of 2011
Yeah! I’m celebrating my third year of this daily blog. I have a tradition of making a “best of”...
My Son’s Senior Picture
I brought my two daughters to the photographer when we had my son’s senior picture taken,