Iris in Our Yard (Photos)
I love this time of year in our yard! These iris are not only beautiful, but smell so terrific!
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Photos from a Trip to the Nursery
The place is such a feast for the eyes, I couldn't stop my iPhone from snapping the photos in...
Take My “Art of Seeing” Class (at Camp Newfound in Maine)
This is a shameless promotional blurb for the Christian Scientists in this blog community. I'd love to see...
Lilac Photos 2018
I wish I could capture their aroma in these photos, but you'll just have to imagine!
Tulip Photos 2018
I love these "hieroglyphs of Deity!" Every year, I can't help myself from taking photos of these beauties everywhere...
Photos of Spring Trees
In this post are some of the many spring trees I have been enjoying. I am so grateful to...
A Million Daffodils (Photos)
The New York Botanical Gardens reportedly has over a million daffodils, planting over 100,000 of them each year for...
Whole30 for 120 Days (Four Month Update with Photos)
You can see some of what we've been eating in the photos on this post, often served on pottery...
Recent Black and White Photos
I am still studying the world in dark and light values, contrast, composition, and texture. Here in this post...
Photos from my Earth Day Hike
The photos in this post show you what caught my eye. In particular, I found the reflections fascinating!
Grace Notes #12 (with Photos)
This is a periodic blog feature I call “grace notes.” It occasionally captures my jottings of incidental gratitude.
Photos from a Lovely Day at Yale in New Haven
You'll notice that these photos I focused more on details of the day as abstract compositions in themselves...