Be Ruthless About What You Ignore (James Clear Quote)
You can only deeply commit to a few things. One or two? Maybe three?
The Soul Dwells Where Beauty Lives (John O’Donohue Quote)
All holiness is about learning to hear the voice of your own soul.
Books of Sketchbook Examples (Sketchbook Ideas #10)
These are not how-to books, but rather inside cameos of what other artists have done in their sketchbooks and...
Bits and Clips for November 2023
I hope you find something among all this artwork, photography, poetry, memes, links, and quotes that spurs you on,...
Great Gift Ideas: Merchandise and Prints of Polly Castor’s Art
There are some great gift ideas available for you and yours
Polly Castor Art 2024 Calendars Available (Order Soon!)
Polly Castor Art Calendars for 2024 are available for a short time.
Bits and Clips for October 2023
I hope you find something among all this artwork and poetry, memes and links, quotes and photography that spurs...
Grace Notes (#50 with Photos)
I am furthering my ongoing goal of appreciating such a continuous, overflowing abundance of random good.
When Doing Something Hard (James Clear Quote)
Many people make a subtle mistake, which is they emphasize how difficult it is to do something.