The Artistic Process Encounters our Inner Being (Quote by Peter London)
Artist are not just making things. They are coming to understand the rewarding inner patterns of being.
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Being Present in Your Own Life Extends It (Quote by John Tarrant)
Cherish every bit of life, the butterflies and thunderstorms, the raspberries and corn on the cob– good is ever-present.
Bits and Clips for July 2020
I hope you find a link, meme, photo, poem, recipe, or painting here that gives you something constructive, educational,...
The World Needs More of You (quote on Writing by Jena Schwartz)
Likening writing to baking bread, Jena has some wisdom to share here.
My Forum on Faith Article In Three CT Newspapers Today
This is about equality and the power of a premise.
Bring Mindfulness and Equanimity to Bear (Quote by Shinzen Young)
Mindfulness and equanimity become prayer which translate to ongoing communion with the Source.
Bits and Clips for June 2020
I hope you find something in these links and many memes that is inspiring, helpful, challenging, motivating, educational, or...
“Why Would God Do This to Me?” (Polly Preaching #5)
We have dominion and agency. Let's use it to be aligned with an infinite, all good God.
Approach with Reverence (John O’Donohue Quote)
“What you encounter, recognize or discover depends to a large degree on the quality of your approach...