Choosing Joy with Crabapple Photos
How exalting it is to meet the joy of life with appreciation and humble thankfulness.
Are You Perceiving Truth? (Quote by Hermann Hering)
Suppose yourself looking through blue glass at a white horse...
Pondering Magnolia Shapes (New Poem by Polly Castor with Photos)
I yearn to amplify and articulate them...
How to Overcome Regret
I have been hugely benefited by loosening the clutch of regret through forgiveness, reframing, and finding gratitude where I...
Recent Pages in my Bible Lesson Journal
These are the ideas that struck me as needing to be contemplated more.
Stop Craving Particular Feelings (Quote by Yuval Noah Harari)
Suffering ends when we stop grasping for good feeling and trying to repel bad ones, realizing instead the ephemeral...
Bits and Clips (March 2023)
I hope you find something in all these photos, paintings, quotes, poems, memes, or links what inspires, interests, educates,...
Grace Notes #46 (with Photos)
I am furthering my ongoing goal of appreciating such a continuous, overflowing abundance of random good.
The Beginner’s Mind (Richard Rohr Quote)
Jesus says the only people who can recognize and be ready for what he’s talking about are the ones...
Community Shellfish from Maine (with Video Seafood Recipes)
Bob is a videographer who has videoed some great seafood recipes. They are available online, and I wanted to...