New Plein Air Painting: October Path Between Meadows
I love being surrounded by the trees right now, each one a kaleidoscope of color, done by the hand...
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Two New Abstract Paintings of Autumn
These two abstract paintings depict autumn foliage in morning mist, with vibrant leaf color emerging and popping in refracting...
Featured Artist: Maurice Esteve
By doing my part in furthering his work, maybe I can help him eventually become well known.
Two New Collages
I enjoy the process of making my own papers for collage and then fitting them together to express something...
Featured Artist: The Fused Glass Landscapes of Alice Gebhart
check out this new and fabulous YouTube video I just watched of her process. Wonderful work!
New Plein Air Oil Painting: Morning on Chaffinch Island
I enjoyed painting this on location on Chaffinch Island in Connecticut with a limited palette.
Guilford Arts League Juried Show
The painting above is by friend and blog reader Anne Merriam, and it was my favorite of the show.
Islesford Workshop: The People and Their Work
It was fun to discover what we had in common, and to see the different approaches and styles to...
Henry Isaacs / Ashley Bryan Workshop Notes
A powerhouse group, their advice was gentle and encouraging, freeing and supportive, and blissfully without prescription. If I taught,...
Featured Artist: Ashley Bryan
I will never forget this man's energy, love of color, excitement for the creative process, his great attitude, and...
Two Islesford Apple Trees I Painted
Since it was foggy during the workshop, I did not paint any grand vistas as I expected, but instead...
On My Way to Little Cranberry Island for a Painting Workshop
I was so delighted to squeeze in at the last minute to Henry Isaacs and Ashley Bryan's last Painting...