Contemplating Relevant History (New Abstract Painting in Pastel)
I painted this sitting outside on a beautiful day in October, listening to history.
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Bill Scott (Featured Artist)
His beautiful color sense and use of circles is very similar to my own, and since we are both...
Ten Recent Pages in my New Artist Journal
It is good to have a place where the marks for just for yourself, and the result doesn't matter.
IAPS Webshow 2024
I'd like to influence an increase of appreciation for purely abstract work in this fabulous medium.
Teaching Non-traditional Methods in Pastel (Day 3)
I adore teaching these classes and nudging people to blossom and thrive outside their comfort zone.
Teaching Non-traditional Methods in Pastel (Day 2)
I'm having such a good time nurturing these people.
Teaching Non-traditional Methods in Pastel (Day 1)
It was a total delight for me to open their eyes to a wider range of possibilities, set them...
I’m in this Renaissance in Pastel National Juried Exhibition
It is always a pleasure to be juried into a national show, especially in this case with a piece...
Two Honorable Mentions in the Guilford Arts League Show
I was pleased to get two paintings into the Guilford Arts League Show, and delighted to receive honorable mentions...
A Visit to Unison Colour Pastels in Northumberland
The colors are vibrant and lightfast, and the texture is uniform over all the colors, which is not true...
London Art Museum Photos (Tate Modern & Courthauld)
I was particularly inspired by Kandinsky's early work which I had not seen before.
Four Plein Air Paintings in Pastel from Monhegan 2024
I loved painting outside on Monhegan with friends.