25 Life Lessons According to Polly

25 Life Lessons According to Polly

25 Life Lessons according to Polly

25 Life Lessons according to Polly:

  1. Notice and be grateful for the infinite good that is everywhere.
  2. Think good; know good; do good; be good.
  3. Expand your thought to include more good.
  4. What you claim and accept is what you are.
  5. Define yourself by how you love, give, and respond.
  6. Be brave enough to be genuinely authentic.
  7. Be an idealist; realize it is essential to do so, not naive.
  8. Be the caretaker of your own integrity.
  9. Seek what magnifies your spirit and gives you peace.
  10. Don’t be afraid to be different in the best ways.
  11. Have a growth mindset; be a life long learner; nurture progress.
  12. Get outside and commune with nature as often as possible.
  13. Express yourself creatively; explore, discover, innovate, and inspire.
  14. Be quick to forgive; be merciful and non-judgmental.
  15. Elevate your motives and aims; carve out a noble life.
  16. Choose joy; resist cynicism or negativity; focus on what is good.
  17. An attitude of gratitude will greatly increase your joy.
  18. Be generous; lift other people up and edify them.
  19. Think in terms of qualities instead of material things.
  20. Integrate stillness into your life; get some quiet time everyday.
  21. Boldly approach and trust the divine; know you can never be separated.
  22. Own that you reflect the divine; you are not self made nor independent.
  23. We each have 10,000 thoughts a day: allow only enlightened and beneficial ones.
  24. Be willing to question and adjust your beliefs and assumptions.
  25. Make your habits of thought and action work for you instead of against you.

I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. Margaret 3 months ago

    Great list.

  2. Sue 3 months ago


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