25 Life Lessons According to Polly
25 Life Lessons according to Polly:
- Notice and be grateful for the infinite good that is everywhere.
- Think good; know good; do good; be good.
- Expand your thought to include more good.
- What you claim and accept is what you are.
- Define yourself by how you love, give, and respond.
- Be brave enough to be genuinely authentic.
- Be an idealist; realize it is essential to do so, not naive.
- Be the caretaker of your own integrity.
- Seek what magnifies your spirit and gives you peace.
- Don’t be afraid to be different in the best ways.
- Have a growth mindset; be a life long learner; nurture progress.
- Get outside and commune with nature as often as possible.
- Express yourself creatively; explore, discover, innovate, and inspire.
- Be quick to forgive; be merciful and non-judgmental.
- Elevate your motives and aims; carve out a noble life.
- Choose joy; resist cynicism or negativity; focus on what is good.
- An attitude of gratitude will greatly increase your joy.
- Be generous; lift other people up and edify them.
- Think in terms of qualities instead of material things.
- Integrate stillness into your life; get some quiet time everyday.
- Boldly approach and trust the divine; know you can never be separated.
- Own that you reflect the divine; you are not self made nor independent.
- We each have 10,000 thoughts a day: allow only enlightened and beneficial ones.
- Be willing to question and adjust your beliefs and assumptions.
- Make your habits of thought and action work for you instead of against you.
Great list.