Two Helpful Ideas When Making an Effort

Two Helpful Ideas When Making an Effort
Helpful Ideas When Making an Effort Light in the Heights (monoprint collage) by Polly Castor

I am often asked how I do all I do. On the cusp of pouring myself out teaching a pastel class for three full days– and taking spiritual practice work, meanwhile, around on the edges of that– it occurs me to share two helpful ideas I often refer back to when making an effort:

  • Give of your light and not of your oil

Give of your rich overflow, without depleting yourself. Be filling your metaphoric oil tank all the time: through nature and reading, prayer and study, friends and fun, heathy food and exercise, mindfulness and gratitude, adventure and discovery, learning and listening, and plenty of creativity and expression.

Most of this blog is about filling that oil tank, while only a bit of it is the amazing overflow that results from that.

Keep your tank/cup full; share only the excess. If you keep putting in the oil, there will be plenty of surplus to spend extravagantly as light. You’ll find there will be light bright enough to light up all those you interface with in the world. Let that light shine out!

  • The mirror doesn’t get exhausted by reflecting

The first chapter of Genesis talks about us being made “in the image and likeness of God.” What we are is an expression of a whole bunch of qualities and attributes, reflected from God. What a relief! We don’t have to source any of it. By design, we are simply imaging forth the one true Source, reflecting it like a mirror. This is not tiring or depleting.

Jesus said, “I of mine own self can do nothing,” and then promptly went and did everything. We are to follow that example.

So here’s to restful, inspired, effortless effort!

Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall (pastel) by Polly Castor
I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. Dilys 7 days ago

    Thanks for the helpful advice Polly.
    A practitioner once told me that we had to “gather” before we can “sow” as per the hymn by Mary Baker Eddy, “Shepherd show me how to go, O’er the hillside steep, How to gather, how to sow, – How to feed Thy sheep;” (hymns 304-309, from the Christian Science Hymnal). Which I understood to mean exactly what you have stated.
    Keep up the good work. Xx

  2. Myra Rucker 6 days ago

    Just precious, powerful and beautiful. Thank you dearest Polly. The remodeling on our home starts tomorrow. It’s been a difficult two weeks getting my part of the home ready. I can’t believe how much I donated and gave away to neighbors. Everything from most all of my clothing and shoes and purses. But books, art supplies , even furniture!! Actually that’s just the tip of it!! Father,Mother God was with me each step of the way!! Thank you for your postings. I love them and I love and appreciate everything you do. You and your sweet family are so precious to me and I’m certain to all who follow this blessed journey of yours. Lovingly, Myra Rucker. ✌🏻🤠

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