I am From (New Poem by Polly Castor)

I am From (New Poem by Polly Castor)

I am From poem, by Polly Castor

I am From

I am from a mandolin orchestra
and a grandfather who
beat the bankers at bridge
to put food on the table
during the depression.
I am from mountain mornings
next to a rushing stream
picking tiny wild strawberries.
I am from bouncing a ball
off the back brick wall,
a rhythmic, waiting meditation.
Melty, salty, crunchy, I am from
baked macaroni and cheese,
buttered popcorn,
and peanut butter bacon toast.
I am from “do your best,”
but downright rejected
the “what will people think” concern.
The passionate outcome of
a doctor dad and a creative mom,
it is no surprise
I am a merging
of healing and art.
I am from petosky stones,
oboe playing,
orchid filled windows,
poetry prize winning,
and worn out hiking boots
that were in every
American national park
before I was 18.
I’m from being sniffed
by a grizzly bear
on the shores of Jenny Lake.
I’m from Kandinsky and pastels,
scissors and collage,
frosted cut out sugar cookies,
and cloth napkins.
I am from a maiden aunt who
turned down a future US president’s
hand in marriage.
I am from being excused
from a whole year of math
in the 6th grade.
I am from gnarled willows
which were just graceful twigs
in a flower arrangement,
which sprouted,
so they stuck them
in the back yard,
and they became trees:
I climbed up high
in their bending branches:
to be cradled,
to perch, and to read.
I am from being held by trees,
and forests, and glaciers,
embraced by contemplation.
I am from sharing a small
room with my sister
and sharing a small
bed with my husband.
I am from thinking
I am from not wanting children
(seeing my mother
put her life on hold for us)
but then, the best thing
I did was homeschool
our three kids all the way
through high school.
I’m from fearlessly dangling
from the outside of skyscrapers
from 40 stories up while pregnant,
and I’m from long hair
so mine’s down to my knees.
I am from squishy pillows,
and other people doing my laundry.
I’m from responding thoughtfully
to what I didn’t accept
about where I came from;
I’m more liberated,
more equal, more optimistic,
more lenient,  more liberal.
I’m from the full arc
from atheism
all the way to believing
that Life, Truth, and Love are God.
I’m from making the world better
because I was here and did something.
I’m from hugging, advocating,
supporting, and amplifying good.
I’m from color and from dedication,
which I closely mirror,
but I’m also a
nonconformist rebel,
a sage seeker,
and a flaming fire too,
and I’m not at all sure
where that’s from.


by Polly Castor


I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. Dilys 1 year ago

    Awesome, Polly! I love your new poem and am so glad to call you a friend and an amazing role model!
    You surely do make a difference in so many ways to so many people. Keep up the good work xxxxx

  2. Cheryl Patterson-Zaic 1 year ago

    You are magnificent Polly. At some point I want to hear more about your encounter with the bear. 🐾

  3. Jeriann B. Hirsch 1 year ago

    Love that poem! It made me start to think about where ‘I come from’ which was fun. And I love, love, love the link to the bear stories!!

  4. Karen meyers 1 year ago

    Wow, this is an amazing poem, an inspirating perspective. Thanks for sharing Polly.

  5. Sue+Krevitt 1 year ago

    We are ALL so absolutely
    A-mazing and Wonder-full and…
    sometimes a bit (or more)confused
    about this…
    And it is SO refreshing and inspiring
    that Some are Able to Let Out Who They Are
    And Were and Will Be
    To inspire some of the rest of us
    to Do The Same, in some time and way!

    Thanks, dear Polly!

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