After a week of extended family here, I’m back in my office/studio ready to begin again. My relatives couldn’t remember having been up to my sanctuary on the third floor, and were delighted to see where I spend my days. It made me realize you might want to see it too. I know I’m always intrigued to see an artist’s studio space.
My husband works in the basement where his sound-proof recording studio is, and I work in the attic. “Home” is the two floors in between. Because my phone conversations for my spiritual practice are confidential, no one else comes up here. Our youngest daughter said she was eleven before she had ever even been in this space. If I get a work call and I’m somewhere else, I retreat immediately to this space, and my family knows not to knock or interrupt.
Recently, when my husband was asking about dreams for the future, he expected me to want a bigger studio outside of the house where I could do larger work. He was surprised that I like not needing to go somewhere else. When I want to paint huge, my solution is to just do it outside or at an artist-in-residence. But I like that on a usual day, when inspiration strikes, all I need is right where I already am.
The only thing that could make this space work better is a sink. Not having one up here is why I do any really wet work somewhere else. However, pastel work, art journalling, sketching, talking on the phone, prayer work, computer work, reading, studying, writing poems, are all perfectly suited for this space, which integrates these different things I do into one seamless whole. I am so grateful for it.
In the photos below, wander around my 700sqft creative paradise, complete with little explanations below each photo.

I find it fascinating to see how others minds work. Note: organized! Not a “cottage “ industry but looks like a magic place.
Needing to be “healed” of…ahem….”jealousy!” (As though Life has given you more than me, or anyone else of us!!!!!!! NOT TRUE, and I know it. But, now I just gotta Get Goin’ and See More of Life’s
Wonders at MY feet! Ok, I do, but…gee…)just sayin…. I have so so so so so so so so so MUCH to be grateful for, too! Life is Wondrous Good…Love, Truth…All!!
Just a wonderland of possibilities and ideas and the materials to explore and discover. What a beautiful, exciting place! I love your windows with a glorious view of the forest. Thanks so much for sharing! I’ve taken all this glory into my heart today and am grateful for it.