My Benediction for our 20th Anniversary 9/11 Memorial Service

My Benediction for our 20th Anniversary 9/11 Memorial Service

Benediction for our 20th Anniversary 9/11 Memorial Service

Benediction for our 20th Anniversary 9/11 Memorial Service

God, you are Love itself.
You are supreme Principle,
the real superpower.
Your faithfulness is continuous.
You are with us
when things are scary and dark,
just as much as
when it’s cheery and bright.
You reform and redeem,
You console and restore.
You comfort us and support us
even when we don’t understand.
You are the intense good
that overcomes every evil,
the immutable Truth
that banishes all error.
Let us remember
that hubris never wins
and that divine Love
is always ultimately victorious.
We trust in the reparations
of Your marvelously invincible Love.
We are humbly grateful
for Your abiding ever-presence
and Your compelling reparations.
Thank you for bringing us peace,
for mending every injustice,
and alleviating every offense.
Individually and collectively,
may our future
rest on and proceed from
You alone.
Bless us all, everywhere,
and imbue
each and every one of us
with Your essence.

By Polly Castor
(I am giving this as the benediction for our town’s 9/11 memorial service today.)
(Photos from the Christian Science Monitor)

I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. John gregory 4 years ago

    Thank you for everything…

  2. Paula 4 years ago

    NIce, very nice. Thanks Polly!

  3. Joanne Battista 4 years ago

    Dear Polly,

    What a tender, meaningful, precious prayer. I will review it often and hold it close to my heart today.

    Thank you for sharing this with us.

    With love,

    Joanne Battista

  4. Francie Berland 4 years ago

    Lovely!! How wonderful that you will be sharing this with your community. Very special moment for all. Love the photograph!!

  5. Deborah Dunne 4 years ago

    It’s a beautiful benediction Polly. Thank you!

  6. Brett 4 years ago

    So beautiful and I have shared it with so many others. Thank you!


  1. […] That I gave the benediction at our local 9/11 service. (see here) […]

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