Embracing our Differences (22″x30″ pastel) by Polly Castor
I like the artists in Maine, and I’m there enough (and want to go to their plein air retreats), so I became a member of the Pastel Society of Maine a couple years ago. In this first show of theirs since my joining, much to my surprise, one of my abstractions got an honorable mention– in what otherwise is a largely representational show.
I was delighted by this, especially since the juror, an esteemed man named Robert Carsten, wrote comments on the winning entries, and I just loved what he said. The purpose of this post is save his words where I’ll have them going forward.
An abstract artist deals quite a lot with being misunderstood, so when someone understands as well as this gentleman did, it is a happy relief. Maybe his comments will help you understand too. Here are his words:
“This artist uses a mostly blue/orange complementary palette to bring both contrast and overall harmony to a dynamic, complex composition. I find this painting stunning in its use of shape, line, pattern, movement, repetition, and color. There are radial, contour, and straight lines. Some thicker lines accentuate edges of forms, others teeter between line and form. There is a powerful sense of rhythm and movement as the large, orange shape is embraced by its surrounding, blue form. It’s a painting about an idea, a concept rather than objects, and yields a meaningful message.”
So very grateful to be so well understood by someone I respect, who doesn’t know me at all.
Congratulations! It’s indeed intricate and beautifully amazing !
Congrats, Polly!
What a Wonder-full and Amazing Experience
Of Divine Mind’s infinite Expression of Art
Throughout Her Creation
For Us All to Enjoy!What a Uni-Verse!!!!!