(detail from Steaming Hot by Polly Castor)
Take Ourselves Lightly
The lightest and most
immaterial elements
of the cosmos
reign supreme.
Approximately 73%
of the mass of the
visible universe
is in the form of hydrogen,
which is the lightest element.
Helium is the second-most
abundant element,
and the next lightest too;
it accounts for about
25 percent of the
collective mass.
(Both are gas.)
Everything else
represents only 2%!
Please note that
heavier elements
are much more rare.
We should remember
this superabundance
of lightness
when we are feeling
dark, lumbering,
grim, or humorless.
After all, what is
most prevalent
is effervescent fizz.
The Creator of the Universe
(in presaged infinite wisdom
designed what everything
is actually like and what
we are to image forth)
prioritized lightness by 98%,
so maybe we should as well.
Lets take ourselves more lightly
by being easily ebullient, euphoric,
lenient, carefree, breezy, buoyant,
cheerful, elated, vivacious, merry,
jubilant, sparkling, optimistic,
exuberant, happy, bright, gentle,
thoughtful, joyous, ecstatic, blissful,
exultant, pleasant, agreeable, charming,
jolly, kind, gracious, accessible,
benevolent, free, charitable, loving,
tender, generous, mild, solicitous,
direct, delicate, pervasive, obliging…
All these are
characteristics of lightness,
which is almost all of what is present.
So laugh, skip, and bounce today.
Giggle, cavort, shimmy, chuckle,
flash, give, glint, emit, release,
leap, play, twinkle, and warmly beam.
Be the light of the world,
and let it not be hid.
by Polly Castor

(detail from Overcoming White Supremacy by Polly Castor)
Wonderful, Polly! I was delighted when a church member commented on my lighthearted yet respectful approach to a recent meeting I led.
Two of your beautiful qualities to be sure!
A few years ago, the world of movies and books became fascinated with the theme of ” the unbearable lightness of being.” In essence, this is an unresolved debate between personal existence as either insignificant or significant . I gather you’re for lightness.
Ohhhhh …. you …. supremely and joyfully
Wise Woman of Light!!;-))
That’s beautiful Polly!
When I was in Junior school one of my teachers wrote on my school report that I should learn to curb my exuberance! I like to think that I haven’t!
Thanks for reminding me that exuberance ( defined as cheerful enthusiasm) is a wonderful spiritual quality!-
Oh yes it is! And it is a every endearing one!!