Emergence (acrylic) by Polly Castor
This blog began on January 3, 2009, and I’ve blogged everyday since then. That’s 4,380 blogs and counting. Some of you have been subscribed from the beginning, others just since yesterday, with most of you somewhere between. I’m so glad you all are here!
I thought this was a good time to remind you that you can reply in the comment section below any post. It is better than replying directly to me, for you can respond this way to the whole community. Other people are interested in what you have to say too!
Also, I love what a blog reader told me recently of how she uses the Rotating Jewels from the Archives section, which you’ll find in every side bar of every post on the computer, and scrolling a ways on down below each post on the phone. After each time reading a post, she checks out what (randomly) comes up there and clicks on whatever is of interest. That way she ends up reading two or three posts each day and sometimes even five, depending on what she finds there. It’s a great way to snorkel in to find the so many goodies buried in over 4,000 posts.
There are other ways to explore too. Choose a category or tag of interest and dig in deep into it. You can find categories in the drop down menu on the computer, or by clicking the three lines in the upper right corner on your phone. There are also buttons for categories and tags on the homepage. The most used tags are listed there on the homepage, but relevant ones are also listed right below a post. For example the tag “book reviews” will be listed under book reviews and clicking on that will take you to all other book reviews. You can go to all recipes (tag), poetry (category), spirituality (category), movie reviews (tag), mindfulness (tag), my Deep Thinks (tag), nature (tag), Photography (category), gift ideas (tag), advice (tag), etc, etc, etc, this way.
And are you using the search bar? There is one on the homepage, as well as in the sidebar of every post on the computer or on down below each post on the phone. Have some zucchini you need to use and want some ideas of what to do with them? Wonder what I’ve had to say about why I don’t drink alcohol? Want to find that 100 Blessings poem? Looking for reference photos of leaf buds or those a bunch of inspirational art memes? Even I use the search bar all the time.
In the Archive section in the sidebar of any post on the computer or down below any post on the phone, there is a dropdown toggle where you can pick any month of any year and go there. Instant time travel! In the really old blogs, you can see how much more polish this blog has now over what it was like early on. A great example of starting where you are, with what you know, and allowing yourself patience, forbearance, and room to grow and improve!
There are also art and merchandise segues in the menu that take you to my site that sells my original art, and the one that sells prints and merchandise of my art, always available and fun to peruse anytime.
And thank you again for your financial support of this site. There is a donation button on the side bar of every post on the computer and down below every post on the phone. Additionally, we have two fundraising drives a year, one in November and the other in May, to keep this huge website up and running, and ad free.
Of most importance, thank you for being here, responding, and sharing this blog. One of you “gave this blog for Christmas” to 20 of her friends and family! What a loving and supportive idea. This blog is too various and different to be picked up by Google algorithms, but it is quietly finding its growing readership by word of mouth. Thank you for being a part of that.
Please share it. I am so grateful you do. I’m always surprised by the people who ask if it is okay to share it! Yes it is! Please do!
It is because of you that this blog has legs. I show up, put the content out, and maintain the platform, but you are the ones who animate it by giving it a life, a reach, and a voice. Thank you. Please know that I love connecting with you all, via the good I seek to amplify. Each one of you is cherished.
Here’s to another growing, inspired, colorful, contemplative, delicious year!

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall (pastel) by Polly Castor
Congratulations on your 13th year of blogging!!! Knowing that writing is therapeutic, I’m sure there’s been an immense amount of growth along the way! Admirable!
Thank you for your efforts. I look forward to your positive thoughts and love.
You are most welcome! They are on their way!
You are amazing!