Christmas Thoughts 2020

Christmas Thoughts 2020

Christmas Thoughts 2020

Merry Christmas, everyone!

This bit by me was printed in our local newspaper yesterday under the heading of “Christmas Thoughts:” 

“There are a lot of awful aspects of the Christmas story. There is a teenage mother giving birth in a smelly stable. There are shepherds who are afraid. There are a legion of male children killed by Herod. There is a family’s flight to Egypt as immigrants seeking asylum. Then there is the life of Jesus: itinerant, homeless, tempted in the wilderness, owning nothing, rejected, betrayed, tortured, and killed. This last year of ours wasn’t so great either! But all that is not what we celebrate. So instead, let’s remember how the story of Christmas started and finished. It began with Mary’s remarkable receptivity to an angel, and the shepherds being told to “fear not.” Regardless of what is going on, we too can be receptive to remarkable good and learn not to fear. When Jesus grew up, his ministry was about healing and loving one another, culminating in tangible proof of eternal life. He was a Way Shower, an Exemplar, showing us what we can do too. We too can heal, love one another, and live forever, even in this unusual time. And this promise, brought by the “light of the world” illuminating every corner of darkness, is why we celebrate. This Christmas and beyond, let’s shine forth with that Spirit!”

May the Spirit of the Christ be reborn in your hearts today. And please accept a holiday hug from me!

I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. Kate Oswald 4 years ago

    Beautiful Polly. Thanks for sharing with the world

  2. Dilys 4 years ago

    Thank you, Polly and a holiday hug back to you too! With love x

  3. Terri 4 years ago

    Thank you for this grace-filled post, and for all you share, Polly.

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