The Wisdom of Plants (New Poem by Polly Castor)

The Wisdom of Plants (New Poem by Polly Castor)

Wisdom of Plants poem by Polly Castor

The Wisdom of Plants

I love trees; they are
so stately and abiding.
Their majestic arms stretch
ever upwards, outward,
and onward, a marvel
while so stationary and stable,
with their roots reciprocally
reaching deep, sourcing nutrients
without ever moving a muscle.
They give to the world
what is essential for survival
simply by being alive and exhaling.
Is that why they are so satisfied
while never getting
a change of scene
or going anywhere for vacation?
They don’t chafe for
more money or appreciation,
or even resist getting thicker
at the waist every year.
Show me how to be
as content and effective as you
with where I am, and how well
I fulfill my purpose.

I love flowers; they are
so pert and beautiful,
patiently blooming
only when the moment is right,
never forcing their bud
ahead of season.
Unfolding with assured grace,
debonair in stylish color,
with flair they spend forth,
splurging all they have to offer
and suffer no sadness at receding
when it is another’s turn
for the sublime limelight.
By definition, we know them
by the height of their glory,
as indelible, irreplaceable,
celebrated, cherished,
and eagerly anticipated,
enduring ideas.
Teach me too how
to perennially pace myself,
owning my inherent fabulousness
as easily as I give it away.

I love herbs; they are
so modest, while bursting
with fabulous flavor.
How is their essence
so pungent
for purposes beyond
what they can even imagine?
What has basil ever tasted,
or dill, mint, and thyme savored?
Yet they give themselves
magnanimously to others,
contributing to deliciousness,
with such self-sacrificing chivalry,
just how wonderful they are.
They tutor me to be
so deeply authentic
that I don’t even need to know
the lusciously delectable
reason or result.

I love grass,
that verdant green sward
which volunteers everywhere
needed or not. Flexible,
it looks great
manicured and mown,
or running wild in a meadow
with its hair blowing free
and tangling in the breeze.
Lowly, and hard to break,
bending and yielding
when trodden upon,
you spring back
with equanimity.
In meekness
you take over the earth,
conquering, by being
too small to bother thwarting,
and by operating ubiquitously
beneath everyone’s notice.
First to take the brunt
of the frost, you remain
tenacious enough to survive
where others wither and fail.
Instruct me in how to be
as pliable and resilient,
far reaching and successful,
while being so brilliantly
unconcerned and unassuming.

I’m not such a fan of weeds
with their audaciously
unfavorable reputations
but still I admire their
stalwart constitutions
and steadfast attitudes.
They must feel
so misunderstood
and under appreciated.
But they gain enough joy
from basic things
like sun and rain,
to be untroubled
and even untouched
by judgement, persecution,
disparagement, and derision.
They are persistent and strong,
completely confident
in their own worth, vigilant
about their divine right to be here.
Coach me to value myself, regardless
of what other people have to say.

May I learn these lessons well
as I daily move among these
chlorophyll sages.

by Polly Castor


I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. Diane W 5 years ago

    Lovely Polly! But that’s not a poem! its a series of books! ha ha!

  2. Liz Underhill 5 years ago

    What lovely Soul-inspired insights! Thank you for these great ideas!

  3. Sue Krevitt 5 years ago

    I love trees, plants, flowers, all nature!

    I’m busy praying today about preserving nature for us humans here in Santa Cruz County.
    It’s on fire, as you may know from the news reports.

    The spiritual facts of creation are in place, unassailable, permanent…
    and so I know I must apply this to my… fears….the fears of others here. It’s trying to get to us…

    Your inspiration and love of nature is appreciated!

  4. Mary Beth Williams 5 years ago

    Oh my goodness Polly, this is absolutely magnificent and reaches so far deep into my soul. I have long loved trees, as well as all of nature and have been giving more thought more often to what it can teach us. This poem is a blessing and I will return to it many many times. Thank you for your generosity and your overflowing sense of soul which you share so beautifully and articulately with everyone!!

  5. Mary Jo Beebe 5 years ago

    We have so much to learn from the life of plants–be they domesticated or wildly weedy. I do love and appreciate them all. But you have helped me be even more aware and grateful for their magnificent qualities and life-giving benefits to the world in this creative, beautiful poem.

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