Announcing My Huge October One Woman Show in Southington

Announcing My Huge October One Woman Show in Southington

Announcing My Huge October One Woman Show in Southington

Drum roll….!

I’m announcing my huge one woman show for the month of October in Southington, Connecticut. My paintings, on a range of abstraction (from Impressionism to Non-Objective art), will be filling the whole gallery, as well as the back hall, at the Southington Community Cultural Arts (SoCCA) for the month of October!

I will be displaying 83 paintings in all. Yes, you heard that right. It IS a lot. There is much new work in this show that I’ll post on the blog as the month progresses.

This show has been a steady and harmonious effort, with tons of support from my dear husband who is my framer, packer, and show hanger, as well as fabulously patient with the first floor of our home being literally COVERED in paintings for the last couple weeks. You can see our living room, over run, in a photo below.

The show at 93 Main Street in Southington (near Exit 30 off of 84 from the west) will be up from Sept 28 – Oct31, 2018. Their hours are Tuesday – Friday from 11:00- 6:00, Saturday from 11:00-3:00, closed Sundays and Mondays.

Because the town of Southington has a huge Apple Festival with lots of foot traffic for the first two weekends of the show, my reception for the show is not until October 13, from 1:00 -3:00.

You, especially, are invited! I hope you visit the show and bring people too! I’d love to see you at the reception!

A lot of effort went into this, but it was all pure joy. Come share in it!


I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. Mary Jo Beebe 7 years ago

    Congrats, Polly! What a wonderful opportunity to “magnify good.”

  2. Lolly & Brad 7 years ago

    Congratulations Polly! No doubt a lot of effort went into this, but the fruitage will make it all worthwhile. Your vibrant, luscious, outside the box painting will bring a lot of joy to that community~ wish we could come, but we are back on Sanibel. “Break a leg”, as they say in the theater world!! ???

    • Author
      Polly Castor 7 years ago


  3. Susan Clark 6 years ago

    Polly, I love that your whole purpose is to amplify good. What life as reality is all about. So wish I could make the show. I’ll watch your reports on how it goes! Mostly, just enjoy. So cool.

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