Reading Challenge for 2018

Reading Challenge for 2018

Reading Challenge for 2017

A New Year and a new reading challenge! I’ve listened to your suggestions and compiled the following list of 52+ books to read in 2018. You wanted to include a series as a category which puts us over 52 books, but we compensated by putting some especially easy categories there (children’s books) so the difficulty is similar to the past reading challenges we’ve enjoyed together.

I hope you join me in this, either for the first time, or again! It doesn’t matter what order you read the books in, and sometimes books read will get jockeyed between positions as the year progresses. These categories tend to be rather open ended; have fun with it and read what interests you that still accommodates this range of style and subject matter!

First, I have two books to finish that I counted for last year!

Reading Challenge for 2018

A classic:

A mystery:

A love story:

A book of poetry:

A cookbook:

A memoir:

A biography:

A book of essays:

A long book:

A saga:

A series:

A page-turner:

A coffee table book:

A book of chick-lit (or the guy equivalent):

A book of fantasy or science fiction:

A self-help book:

A beach read:

An audio book:

An adventure book:

An educational book:

A children’s picture book:

A young adult novel:

A book about art:

A book about spirituality:

A book about science:

A book that promotes peace:

A book about nature or being outside:

A book about lifestyle, finances, or time management:

A book about happiness, success, or ingenuity:

A book about business, communication, or networking:

A book to help you get better at something:

A book about reformation or transformation:

A book about a remarkable woman:

A book about Latinos or African Americans:

A book about immigrants or refugees:

A book that won the Pulitzer Prize:

A book that won the Man Booker Prize:

A book that won the Caldecott Medal:

A book that won the Newberry Medal:

A New York Times bestseller:

A book of historical fiction set in America:

A book of historical fiction not set in America:

A book with a one word title:

Fiction printed in 2018:

Non-fiction printed in 2018:

A book written in the 19th century:

A book written in the 20th century:

A book from an independent bookstore:

A book on loan from a friend:

A book checked out from the public library:

A book of fiction you own but have never read:

A book of non-fiction you own but have never read:

Please join me in this fun!

We’ll update occasionally as the year progresses.

And as always, if you have any book recommendations for me, let me know in the comments!

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I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. Gloria 7 years ago

    I think you’d enjoy A Song I Knew by Heart by Bret Lott. It’s a modern day retelling of the story of Naomi and Ruth, which is one of the stories in the Bible that always intrigued me. I found it beautifully written and thought provoking. I just finished it, and I can give it to you the next time I see you.


  1. […] book because I have both the categories “chick lit” and “beach read” on my Reading Challenge that I thought I could count it for. It could be counted for those because the reading level is so […]

  2. […] owned this book for a long time and read it (finally! now) under the category in my current Reading Challenge of “a nonfiction book I own but have not read.” This book is not new; it was published […]

  3. […] not a reader of much fantasy, but when I asked you blog readers what you wanted to  include on this year’s Reading Challenge, one of the resounding answers was Fantasy or Sci-Fi. So I did include that suggestion, and […]

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