Christmas Songs as Named by Lawyers

Christmas Songs as Named by Lawyers

funny christmas carol titles

After our Sunday School Program, we had a nice time at our holiday party today, hosted by a lawyer in our church. Below is a game/puzzle we were given to do while waiting for the food to be ready and I thought you might enjoy it as well. Feel free to use it with your crowd of family and friends, or amuse yourself with this all by yourself.  Hope you have fun with it!  (Email me at the link at the bottom of the post and I’ll send you the answers…)

Below is a list of 25 songs renamed by lawyers. Your job is to decipher the names and return them to their original format. For example “Teeny-Weeny Percussion Playing Lad” is the new name for “The Little Drummer Boy.”

  1. Tucked Securely in a Cow Trough

  1. First Person Nominative Plural of a Triumvirate of Personages of Majestic Monarchical Existence

  1. Interrogatory Comparison of Auditory Perceptions of Another

  1. All the Crystallization of H20 Molecules

  1. Pay Heed to the Heavenly Messengers Producing Vocal Emanations

  1. A Holiday Figure of Rotund Proportions Approaches and Enters the Municipality

  1. In Awe of the Nocturnal Time Span Characterized by Religiosity

  1. All of us Hoping you have the Most Jolly Happy Yuletide

  1. Icy, the Precipitation of White Crystals Person

  1. The Act of Wishing for Multiple Facial Feature Enhancements During the Holiday Season

  1. Inconvertible, Speechless and Taciturn Time from Dusk to Dawn

  1. Array, Adorn, Decorate, and Embellish the Corridor

  1. Felicity, Ecstasy and Bliss to the Planet

  1. Monsieur Rudy, the Scarlet Proboscises Rangier

  1. Ivory Yule

  1. The Primordial Yuletide

  1. Chimes for Chinkling

  1. Observing a Relation Showing Emotion to a Holiday Icon

  1. This Little Kid is Which One?

  1. Seraphim Derived from Praising Region of Heaven

    21. My Ears Perceived Ringing Chimes During Daylight on Noel

  1. Ascend the Hill and Declare the Truth

  1. Reverent Darkness

  1. Excellent Sovereign Wency

  1. Noel’s Dozen Gifts (a/k/a Too Many Birds!)

Wishing you all joy this holiday season…


funny Christmas carol titles

I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. Judy 12 months ago

    Hi Polly
    I work for lawyers so I have used your puzzle to give them a laugh.
    I will try working through them myself but they are pretty hard!!
    Will you please send me the answers at your convenience?
    Thank you
    Perth, Western Australia


  1. […] Below is the fun puzzle we had people do at our party last Sunday, and I thought you might want to try it out on your friends and family as well. A different, but similar puzzle, was played in a previous year, and you can find that one on my blog here. […]

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