Our Youngest Turns 28 (New Poem with Photos)
May you have a special day today and may your whole next trip around the sun be an unfoldment...
My Birthday 2025
While I don't count years, I certainly do count blessings and every trip around the sun is filled with...
Grace Notes #57 (with Photos)
I am furthering my ongoing goal of appreciating such a continuous, overflowing abundance of random good.
Maimonides’ Eight Levels of Charity (Happy Thanksgiving!)
On Thanksgiving, I usually wax on about gratitude and thankfulness, which I feel so much and so often, but...
Polly Castor Art 2025 Calendars Available (Order Soon!)
They make great gifts, and are good quality...
Post Election Bits and Clips 2024
It's time to stop being bewildered, and start rolling up our sleeves. It's not over until Love wins.
Choose Your Attitude and Magnify Good in Your Own Sphere of Influence
You vote every moment with your attitude, and with your dollar, with your love and generosity, your integrity, and...
Filling in the Bubble on the Ballot (Poem by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer)
I imagine the small oval a pupil widening in the dark...
Happy Pumpkin Day (New Poem by Polly Castor)
I don't enjoy scary movies nor would I ever put a giant skeleton on my lawn. I wonder why...