Part of Something Bigger (poem by Polly Castor)
This quest is huge, unbiased, profound, and never ending. Thankfully, by design, fruition is unfolding and assured.
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Richard Rohr Quote on Contemplation
We have to find out who we were all along in God before we did anything right or wrong....
Women’s March 1/21/17 in (lots of) Photos
I know people all over the world that marched last Saturday for equality, for love, for the earth, for...
Eternal Truth is Changing the Universe
There is nothing outside of infinity, and ultimate, changeless Truth is infinite. How can there be something else that...
Famous Emmet Fox Quotes
"Attention is the key to life. Whatever you really give your attention to, you become. Whatever you really concentrate...
Patient People Dare
Patient living means to live actively in the present and wait there. That, indeed, is a very radical stance...
Sit in My Own Place of Patience
“When I run after what I think I want, my days are a furnace of stress and anxiety; if...
Getting Things Done (Book Review and Summary)
For those who would benefit from a summary of the book, I've included my notes below.
Feed the Right Wolf
The quote below was sent me, and since I think it is very pertinent, I pass it along to...