Posts tagged with ‘Mary Baker Eddy’

  • Foot Washing Spiritualized

    By on March 29, 2018

    As we follow Jesus' example of washing our own thought, as well as our outlook on others, we will...

    Polly Castor
  • Freedom From Yourself (Deep Think #1)

    By on December 10, 2017

    I'm realizing that if I focus solely on the present moment, I have no story pinned to me, and...

    Polly Castor
  • Improve Your Time (quote by Mary Baker Eddy)

    By on November 19, 2017

    "Success in life depends upon persistent effort, upon the improvement of moments more than upon any other one thing.

    Polly Castor
  • Mary Baker Eddy in a letter to James Neal

    By on July 2, 2017

    Let all my thoughts and aims be high, unselfish, charitable, meek,—spiritually minded.

    Polly Castor
  • Christian Science Translates God

    By on April 29, 2017

    It is the infinite calculus defining the line, plane, space, and fourth dimension of Spirit.

    Polly Castor
  • The New Woman Shall Subdue the Whole Earth

    By on March 8, 2017

    Mary Baker Eddy quote with paintings of women by Richard Burlet...

    Polly Castor
  • Hate No One

    By on January 29, 2017

    The present is ours; the future, big with events. Every man and woman should be to-day a law to...

    Polly Castor
  • New Year’s Resolution: Use What I Have

    By on January 1, 2017

    This year, I'm making a single widely encompassing New Year's Resolution that has all sorts of possible ramifications. Concisely,...

    Polly Castor
  • Our Politics Need Truth and Love

    By on August 7, 2016

    Given our current political climate of what appears to be separate, multiple truths, I have found it helpful to...

    Polly Castor
  • Thoughts on Body Image

    By on May 21, 2016

    I am realizing that I am not a thin mortal or a fat mortal, because I am not a...

    Polly Castor
  • Quote About the Cross Jesus Bore

    By on March 25, 2016

    "The real cross, which Jesus bore up the hill of grief, was the world’s hatred of Truth and Love."

    Polly Castor
  • 150 Years Ago Today

    By on February 4, 2016

    One hundred and fifty years ago today, Christian Science was discovered by Mary Baker Eddy.

    Polly Castor

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