Creativity is Like a River (Quote by Louise Fletcher)
Sometimes creativity whispers and sometimes it shouts.
From a Christmas Eve Letter in 1513
No peace lies in the future which is not hidden in this present little instant.
For an Audience of One and Desire for Validation
focus on what is intrinsically yours to do without fretting about how others will respond to your authenticity, and...
Humility is Love (Brian Doyle Quote)
All you can do is face the world with quiet grace and hope you make a sliver of difference.
The Earth is a Very Small Stage (Carl Sagan Quote)
There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny...
Choose Your Attitude and Magnify Good in Your Own Sphere of Influence
You vote every moment with your attitude, and with your dollar, with your love and generosity, your integrity, and...