Be Blameless (Deep Think #28)
Blameless means to be innocent, without fault. How many of us feel that way?
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i thank You God for this amazing (Poem by e.e. cummings)
i thank You for everything which is natural which is infinite which is yes...
How to Deal with the Estrangement of an Offspring
Be patient with both them and yourself, taking blame fully out of the equation.
Let Silence Substitute Censure (quote by Mary Baker Eddy)
We should endeavor to be long-suffering, faithful, and charitable with all...
Was there an Eclipse when Jesus was on the Cross?
We are talking about power so HUGE it is mind-boggling to contemplate.
Help Me to Spread Love (Quote by Archbishop Desmond Tutu)
Help me to spread love and laughter and joy and compassion.
Who is Behind the Driver’s Wheel? (Anne Lamott quote)
His profound sense of control, in the world and over his life, was just another addiction, and a total...