Luscious Lupines (New Large Floral Painting in Pastel)
I love the contrast of their bright variegated colors that contrasts so beautifully with the greens of surrounding scenery.
Artists’ Sunflower Paintings in Honor of Ukraine
As our hearts and prayers reach out to those in Ukraine and the surrounding areas, let's cherish the outpouring...
Flowers and Produce from our Yard (October 2021)
We've had many gallons of tomatoes, lots of peppers, both large and small, raspberries, herbs, arugula, zinnia, elephant ears,...
Late Summer Farmer’s Market (Still Life Photography: Produce and Flowers )
I can see how these weekly visuals totally effect my art, can't you?
Today (Poem by Billy Collins with Peony Photos from our Yard)
Fabulous spring, with peonies grown by by husband.