Labor Day Weekend at Home
I'm reveling in a full refrigerator, the huge elephant ear leaves out front, the light streaming in the house,...
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A Weekend Full of Friends, Family, Food, and Fun
Such a lot of incessant activity! Such love and great people, scrumptious food, and candid conversation!
Our Youngest Moves to Her New Apartment
We are so grateful she has such a nice place to be, and are excited for her as she...
Camping Trip 2019 Summary Poem (and Route Map)
This poem and its map summarize a fabulous five week camping trip together with our daughter to eastern Canada.
Day 27: A Visit to Anne of Green Gables
It was fun to visit Anne of Green Gables' house here in Prince Edward's Island. Included in these photos...
Day 18: Our Daughter Climbs Gros Morne Mountain
Our daughter did this strenuous 11 mile, mostly vertical hike, and generously shared her photos with us. She said...
Day 17: Gros Morne Fjord
Traveling up the Western Brook Pond Fjord in Gros Morne National Park has been on my bucket list for...
Day 14: Ingonish Beach Campground, Nova Scotia
We loved our six days at the Ingonish Beach Campground in Cape Breton Highlands National Park.
Day 9: Skyline Trail, Nova Scotia Highlands
We enjoyed this exceptional hike in the Nova Scotia Highlands.
Left for a Month Long Camping Trip with our Daughter
Our younger daughter and I have left for a month long camping trip to Maine, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia,...
We Cleaned Out Our Garage! (Before and After Photos)
We spent Memorial Day working hard on a miracle garage makeover, and unearthing family furniture for our daughter's new...
Other Graduation Weekend Photos (Including a Few Bloopers)
And maybe more than anything, it was a joy to see our daughters’ love for each other in their...