Racism and the Color of God’s Skin (Diary Reveal #2)
Here are some of my thoughts about racism and spiritual truth, during the current national upheavals.
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Ambition vs. Dominion
Jesus was not ambitious. He was emphatic that he was to be about his “Father’s business.” It was not...
Thoughts from Covid-19 Isolation (#1)
Solitude is something to enjoy too, a nurturing thing that gets us beyond the noise of daily static, deep...
Good Defense (Polly Preaching #4)
All we need to defend ourselves from is suggestions, and through divine Mind we can do it.
Thoughts about Reducing Polarity
How the Christian Scientist perspective reduces polarity in society that more may be blessed by emulating.
Priorities: Housework or Art (aka How I Do All I DO)
Struggling to find time for your art? These tips may help.
My Endless Source of Inspiration
Inspiration is something that streams to me and through me, and not ever something I generate or am responsible...
Outsmarting Inertia and Overcoming Avoidance
Let's face this stuff, so we like superheroes, can fly, can help, can bring our best to bear for...
A Eureka About My Body (Putting Down the Weight)
I really want to take hold of what I'm writing about here, until it transforms my thinking about my...
Big Bang or Inseparable Oneness?
Where your premise is, will make all the difference to the conclusion that follows. Therefore, great care must take...