The Power That Rolls Away the Stone (New Abstract Easter Painting)
This is the moment that the stone is rolled away from Jesus' tomb that first Easter morning.
Four New Abstract Cruciforms for Good Friday
Here are some abstracted crosses that hint at the resurrection beyond.
Coronavirus, fear, and God (Today’s Newspaper Article by Me)
This article by me is in three Connecticut newspapers today.
Recent Bible Lesson Journal Study Pages
I have found writing down what I'm are working on spiritually is a helpful practice. It may be helpful...
20 Ways to Follow Jesus in 2020
Following Jesus' example in these ways could make 2020 your best year yet.
What’s So Amazing About Grace? (Book Review with Quotes)
Thank goodness grace abounds for everyone, without exception.
The Accessibility of God as Abba (Quote from Phillip Yancey)
How approachable is God? God is eager and available for an intimate, supportive relationship with you.
Born a Crime (Book Review)
This book is a tribute to the author's remarkable mother, as well as to her unshakable faith in God.