Short Poem by Lao-Tzu
Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is
Quotes by Einstein
Okay, the above one I’m sure he didn’t say, but the ones below he supposedly did... The last one...
Way of Life App
Last March, I had just finished reading The Power of Habit and I was convinced that focusing on good...
Mark Twain’s Rules on Writing
Here are Mark Twain's Rules of Writing (from Mark Twain's scathing essay on the Literary Offenses of James Fenimore...
Quote from Leonard Cohen
“ring the bells that still can ring forget your perfect offering there is a crack in everything that’s how...
What Healthy Looks Like
I liked the bit below from this Bravewriter (homeschooling curriculum) newsletter written by Julie Bogart: “I made a list of what...
Poem by Maya Stein: First Quiet of the Morning
Don't spend it on the stack of mail, the phone call, the mounting inventory of groceries. Resist the finished...
Elements of a “Functional” Family
Respect And I don’t mean just that easy respect that comes when everything is rosy: the influential job, and...
Tip: Save Money with Retailmenot
Ever buy stuff off the internet and see a place to enter a coupon code to save money and...
A Memorial to Zig Ziglar in Quotes
Decades ago, I read and listened a lot to this motivational speaker and author. As today is his memorial...