Dedication for New Lutheran Church
Yesterday I attended the dedication service for the new building of the local Lutheran church. It is a lovely,...
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My Newspaper Article: See Beyond the Masks on Halloween
I am a regular contributor to the Danbury News Times Forum on Faith column, which is also picked up...
Memoir Class: First Day
I am at Creative Arts Camp on the shores of Long Lake in Maine yet again – for my...
Please Pray About Syria
Call me a peacenik, but I believe bombing is not a solution. And when the best minds and…
The Medium of Man
As an artist, I’m used to thinking in terms of mediums: watercolor, acrylic, pastel, gouache, or oil, for example. ...
My Newspaper Article: Opposing GMOs
I am a regular contributor to the Danbury News Times Forum on Faith column, which is also picked up...
Today’s Newspaper Article: Christian Scientists Triumph over Accidents
I am a regular contributor to the Danbury News Times Forum on Faith column, which is also picked...
One Anothering
Catching up on a backlog of email yesterday, I found this list on this blog, and thought it worthy of...
Our Daughter Moves In and Starts at Syracuse
Yesterday and today we have been working hard to settle our daughter in her new apartment in Syracuse. Her...
My New Poem: An Era Ends
An Era Ends It is normal and good. No big deal in one way. Totally obvious and natural. But still there is...