This is My Territory (New Poem by Polly Castor)
This poem clarifies where I'm at right now and marks my territory.
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Silver (Poem by Jeannette Encinias)
This poem highlights the agelessness of beauty, and that progress and experience only amplify it..
Day Off (Poem by Mary Oliver)
Sometimes you just need to be still, take a day off, and let the world go buzzing on around...
Rejection (Poem by Veronica R. Goines)
Man's rejection is God's protection... this is such an important point. Paintings by me.
When We Do That We Sing (New Poem by Polly Castor)
This poem attempts to capture the instruction I found so helpful in learning to sing.
The Hymn We’ve Been Singing Repeatedly
We sang this hymn throughout our trip, riveted to both the meaning of the words and the beautiful melody.
Camping Trip 2019 Summary Poem (and Route Map)
This poem and its map summarize a fabulous five week camping trip together with our daughter to eastern Canada.
For God is All-in-All (poem by Ethel Margaret Soden)
No evil can touch me; no harm can befall, for He is my Father, my Mother,—my All.
Red Light, Green Light (New Poem by Polly Castor)
That hunch, the gut knowing that yes, I should go ahead with this but absolutely not with that...
Mysteries (Poem by Mary Oliver)
Let me keep company always with those who say "Look!" and laugh in astonishment, and bow their heads.
Fragrant Explosion (New Poem by Polly Castor)
A few warm days and boom. The lilacs erupt like detonating fireworks,