Our Power Restored by a Crew from Alabama
We spent all day watching this wonderful crew of five who came all the way from Alabama with multiple...
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Getting the Trees off the Lines
First, some electricians disconnected our electrical wires so they were no longer live. Next, tree service guys came to...
Our Pines Bring Down Lines in Hurricane Sandy
Two of our pine trees came down last night about 7:00 pm during hurricane Sandy, missing our neighbor’s house...
Photos from an Autumn Walk with Our Youngest
This “photo walk” with our youngest was a sheer delight!
Photos of Fall Reflections 2012 Part 1
I took a lovely walk yesterday at Huntington State Park with my middle sister on the phone from Ohio....
Early Fall Color
We are surrounded by beauty if we will only take the time to look. Here are some photos...
Photos of People I Don’t Know
I find everyone fascinating so occasionally I post photos I take of people I don’t know. Here are some...
Henrietta’s Photos of Iceland
Blog reader Henrietta went to Iceland and confirmed to me that the reasons I hope to visit there someday...
Sunset Dinner on the Bay in Bar Harbor
My youngest daughter and I enjoyed a dinner outside next to the bay in Bar Harbor, Maine, with this...
Photos of Sand Beach in Acadia National Park
Here are my photographs of Sand Beach in Acadia National Park...
Photos of Our Daughter at Sand Beach
Sand Beach in Acadia National Park is one of our youngest daughter’s favorite places. Here are some photos...
Flirting with Belugas
I went to the Mystic Aquarium with our youngest daughter and loved the beluga whales. They were very...