New Pond Farm to Reduce Their Dairy Herd
A “Dairy Farm of Distinction,” New Pond Farm’s dairy in Redding, CT is not breaking even. By May...
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Photos of the Roses My Husband Gave Me
My husband brought me these roses home from a Costco run, knowing I like orange so much better than...
Today’s Photos: Weird Late Afternoon Light
Both the light and the weather this afternoon were strange. There was balmy 43 degree air with snow falling...
Our New Amaryllis
The church flower committee contribution basking in the sun on our front table is a joy to see.
Photos of Church Flowers
As chairman of the church flower committee we brought these amaryllis which simultaneously had thirty one blooms on them.
Photos of Today’s Dusting of Snow
After a dazzling morning flurry I was able to snap a few pictures before the sun came out to...
Photos of Today’s Ice Storm
Not the fairyland aftermath of an ice storm in sunshine, since it rained all day today, but a fascinating...
International Debutante Ball
We went to the International Debutante Ball at the Waldorf-Astoria NYC this week to honor my niece. Beautiful flowers,...