How Long Did it Take You? (Quote by Dosia McKay)
It’s never about the length of time but about the depth and meaning of the experience.
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First Plein Air Landscape Paintings of the Year
The motive was seeing, as well as the experience of translating that to paper without even trying at all...
Student Work from Workshop I Taught Yesterday
I taught Abstract Expressionism and Abstract Conceptualism to a small group of artists yesterday in Manchester Connecticut.
Blind Contour Self Portraits (Sketchbook Ideas #15)
You see and experience by doing them that perfectionism does not always yield the most interesting results!
Four Simple Collages of Flowers (Keeping an Art Practice Warm)
Make something uncomplicated, keeping your art practice warm on the back burner, while considering your next, larger, creative moves.
Random Compositions in Ink (Grid Journaling Idea #4)
Use these little compositions to make yourself explain why a composition works, and why it doesn’t.
Sam Boughton (Featured Artist)
Sam Boughton is an abstract landscape painter whose spare work I admire. Her efficient, decisive mark making is luscious,...
Two New Red Paintings in Pastel
People think pastels need to look chalky or light, and this is not the case!