I’m in this Collage Artists of America Show
I am pleased to have my above monoprint collage juried into the Collage Artist’s of America annual show.
21 -
Student Work from a Recent Beginning Abstract Realism Class
I'm starting to think I should call these liberation classes.
Remembrance (New Abstract Painting in Pastel)
Shared memories and reminiscence fold and undulate around, etched in recurring patterns, with sparks of recognition and curiosity.
Some of my Favorite Cruciforms
The cross is not only an enduring symbol throughout history, stemming from the dramatic events remembered on this day,...
Fording the Stream (New Abstract Mixed Media Painting)
This was painted from a memory of a tree fallen over a rushing stream with shapes on the trunk...
Grace for Today (New Abstract Mixed Media Painting)
Done in many layered mixed media on wood panel, it is a bit of a departure for me.
How Long Did it Take You? (Quote by Dosia McKay)
It’s never about the length of time but about the depth and meaning of the experience.
First Plein Air Landscape Paintings of the Year
The motive was seeing, as well as the experience of translating that to paper without even trying at all...
Student Work from Workshop I Taught Yesterday
I taught Abstract Expressionism and Abstract Conceptualism to a small group of artists yesterday in Manchester Connecticut.
Blind Contour Self Portraits (Sketchbook Ideas #15)
You see and experience by doing them that perfectionism does not always yield the most interesting results!