“I heard an old man speak once, someone who had been sober for fifty years, a very prominent doctor. He said that he’d finally figured out a few years ago that his profound sense of control, in the world and over his life, is another addiction and a total illusion. He said that when he sees little kids sitting in the back seat of cars, in those car seats that have steering wheels, with grim expressions of concentration on their faces, clearly convinced that their efforts are causing the car to do whatever it is doing, he thinks of himself and his relationship with God: God who drives along silently, gently amused, in the real driver’s seat.”
by Anne Lamott, from Operating Instructions
I was recently talking to someone about the difference between Mindful and reckless driving with my 60’s muscle-car memories, and who the driver really was – and when that is realized, a heightened sense of awareness, respect, and Love brings highly spirited driving under safe control. The timing of this blog article was spot-on!
Whoa! Another thought – I haven’t read that old 70’s classic “Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”, despite having spent much time on big cruiser motorcycles myself. It really isn’t about either, but maybe it still holds up in some way? Time to roll up on it.
I love that book.