Get Through (New Poem by Polly Castor)

Get Through (New Poem by Polly Castor)

Getting Through poem by Polly Castor

Get Through

Be wildly authentic.
Spend out
your depth,
your expression,
everything you have to give.
Receive infinite good,
continually expanding
your thought to include more
and more of it each day.
Be generous with yourself
counting your mounting worth
as inviolate and exponential,
pre-ordained and pre-installed,
while forgiving
yourself and others
for every failure.
Whoever is without sin
shall cast the first stone,
so take a load off
and have a seat
on those rocks instead,
or even better,
paint them, collect them,
or skip them on the water.
Be as a watered garden
whose waters fail not,
essential to growth,
while also languidly
and lavishly floating,
in the luminous light,
consorting with
iridescent dragonflies
with transparent wings,
and contemplating
the doom of all oppression.
water will wear away
every obdurate stone,
and we all will be
washed pure, approved.
So lubricate your life with love,
and spread affection
beyond what is required.
Nurture others with clean,
wholesome ingredients
and deliciously
flavorful preparations.
Go to bed early.
Trust the divine.
Marvel at nature.
Look fear in the face.
Ponder profundity.
Warily stalk down
each erroneous postulate,
mentally squelching them
before they have any say.
Get through.
Sincerity is successful,
so let go, allowing
the highest, innate Truth
–which is what actually is–
to soothe your soul
with compassion and license.
Fight back against
every evil suggestion.
Relentlessly nullify them,
knowing they are illegitimate,
and definitively banish them
to their original oblivion.
simply and routinely,
surrender to ultimate perfection.

by Polly Castor

I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. Phyllis McDonald 1 month ago

    Love this, Polly. Getting down to essentials as in black and white. It’s a keeper.

  2. Stephanie Woodman 1 month ago

    Lovely poem, full of meaning and insights.

  3. holly wayman 1 month ago


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