Immortal Spring
I declare
that I’m immortal
a surging spring
sprouting ever new.
I am at the point of perfection
not climbing laboriously up to it
nor lagging, obstructed upstream
caught behind a rock,
and unable to progress.
I am effusive flow
and buds bursting open.
I remember who I am
as complete and green and fresh
as this day is long, only to be
followed by a longer tomorrow.
Spring is absolute,
it keeps coming, ever forthcoming,
like the sun rising every morning,
and the birds raucously welcoming
each emerging dawn.
I am just like that–
jubilant, ever replenished,
excited to embrace what is next.
Infinite progression
defines my being
and springing forward
cannot be helped
but is inevitable,
natural, vibrant, and fun.
by Polly Castor
So true.