Our Daughter’s PhD Graduation (And She Has a Job!)

Our Daughter’s PhD Graduation (And She Has a Job!)

Our Daughter's PhD Graduation

Last weekend we attended our younger daughter’s graduation from Lehigh University with a PhD in Physics. Our other daughter traveled from California to be there as well. It was a joyous, poignant, victorious occasion, and even though the event was held outside in the rain, our spirits couldn’t be dampened. She was the fourth to walk across the stage in this “hooding” ceremony.

Below you can see my photographs of the occasion, along with some of her friends in her cohort, as well as her advisor.

The other big news is she’s graduating with a job! She will start in a professor position in the fall at Colgate University.

We couldn’t be more thrilled about this. She wanted to teach in a small, rural, liberal arts school in the northeast, and that’s exactly the kind of job she landed. Plus this is an especially classy school (considered “a little ivy”), in an especially beautiful area, full of wonderful people.

This summer she’ll move into a tiny apartment within walking distance of the school, and buy a car.

We are so proud of how she’s handled herself and for all her hard work in bringing forward the kind of life she’s hoped for.


















her advisor






I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. Sherri 10 months ago

    Impossible to look at with dry eyes. Thank you for sharing. So much good going on!

  2. Dilys 10 months ago

    Congratulations! What a wonderful ceremony and amazing outfit! Well done indeed.
    And an inspiring job too. Blessings all round x

    • Karen Ann Meyers 10 months ago

      What a wonderful occasion for your doctoral daughter and for you great parents to celebrate with two beautiful daughters. Truly an amazing new beginning and continuation of a very inspired career. Karen Meyers

  3. Jane Cheema 10 months ago

    Oh goodness!!! I am so proud ouf your darling daughter and of her entire family. What a remarkable and successful journey she has been on, and the happiness that she shows in the photos, reflect the happiness that surrounded her in the years that have passed and which will continue in the years ahead. Congratulations to both your darling daughters for their life’s choices and successes and to their wonderful parents as well.

  4. Joyce Alluan Ades 10 months ago

    Awesome! The ultimate achievement! Congratulations 🎈

  5. Carolyn Rusti Race 10 months ago

    Congratulations for an awesome achievement to your joyous daughter. Loved the happy pictures@

  6. Gillian 10 months ago

    Wonderful achievements – so much joy – WHAT a celebration!

  7. Joseph D Herring 10 months ago

    Congratulations to Dr Early!

  8. Isabel 10 months ago

    Ditto to all comments!

  9. Joan Wolcott 10 months ago

    Oh so exciting!!! Loved seeing ths moment for your daughter and family!!! She’s adorable and obviously so happy about this accomplishment! And I am sure you both are so happy, too! Big congrats to everyone! And to Colgate!!!

  10. Meg+Hanson 10 months ago

    An amazing accomplishment! Congratulations to your daughter. And her job sounds perfect too.


  1. […] morning was the graduation (see here) followed by a lovely lunch our daughter made. After hanging out for the afternoon in her […]

  2. […] so grateful too that our older daughter came from California for the event (if you missed it photos here and here). I’m grateful to be able to accompany our younger daughter as she found a tiny […]

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