Entering into Victory (New Palm Sunday Poem by Polly Castor)

Entering into Victory (New Palm Sunday Poem by Polly Castor)
Entering into Victory, Palm Sunday poem by Polly Castor Hosanna (pastel) by Polly Castor

Entering into Victory

With faith
at least as big
as a grain of
mustard seed
we proceed
with God-given strength
out of this place
where we’ve been,
headed to do the impossible.
We’ve been sowing righteousness,
so somehow we’ll reap mercy,
and while these temporary
cheers of Hosanna
will fade before
the excruciating work of it all,
let’s make a sweeping entrance
to briefly enjoy
being appreciated and seen.
Our Maker is our refuge
and will be with us forever,
so there is no need to quail
before our intimidatingly
daunting task–
that cup we’ll have to drink,
swallowing up all discord
with irrefutable spiritual Truth.

Our inevitable triumph comes,
not by power or might,
but by Spirit being all and only.
There, we can resist
anything that is unlike good.
So we won’t be terrified,
by the hard thing we must do
nor overly exhilarated with
any fleeting acknowledgement,
however impressive or deserved.
We’ll just patiently press on
to do all things through Christ,
rising above the diverting
evidence of the senses,
reaching for
the center and circumference
that encompasses and defines
each one of us,
removing any shackles,
as we enigmatically progress
as infinite ideas
rather than things.

The future is ours
to ensure and unfold:
a planet to save,
creating a peace
voracious enough
to gobble up war,
inspiring sufficient
respect to insure
secure harmony among
previously polarized factions,
arousing authenticity,
causing healing to happen,
and raising transgressors
to the everlasting perfection
of heaven eternally here
and now, complete with
the accomplishment of
individual fulfillment
and perpetual joy.

No biggie.
God is breaking up
our fallow ground,
and will overturn,
overturn, and overturn,
until we’ve all put on
pure consecration
and live forever
beyond the bounds
of matter or fear.

by Polly Castor

Palm Sunday (pastel) by Polly Castor
I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. Lynda Findlay 1 year ago

    Magnificent Poetic Message, Dear Polly! May I read it to my fellow Church members at a meeting of Our Metaphysical Committee? I certainly hope that you send it to the Periodicals, to be published for the blessing of Everyone in the Christian Science movement, as well as the unprejudiced seekers for Truth who will be reading our Periodicals. Your Poem is an inspired masterpiece! Thank you for writing it and sharing it. Sincerely, Lynda Findlay

    • Author
      Polly Castor 1 year ago

      Of course you may share it with attribution. I don’t send these in to the periodicals for copyright reasons. All the more reason for you to share it!

  2. Susan 1 year ago

    Perfect and beautiful words and pastel of Palm Sunday ❣️

  3. Sara 1 year ago

    Wow, you wrapped up last week’s lesson so beautifully.
    Thankyou for sharing and I also will share with my church group!

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