We returned home to glorious weather, a burgeoning garden, seven foot flowers, butterflies galore, and a substantial peach harvest. Quite a welcome home!

Seems as if the butterflies are welcoming you home.❤️
That’s what I thought!
Beautiful! Appreciating all you have in abundance. And I’m sure you were refreshed after your amazing trip xx
James!! Your SQUASH!!!!
(To say nothing of those SUNFLOWERS!!! PEACHES!!! RASPBERRIES!!! I’m droolinnnng!!)
Welcome Homey!!
Dinner looks delicious. Yum.
What a LOVELY garden and such abundant yield! And peaches…way up north where you are!! Wow, I didn’t know it was possible. I grew up in Wisconsin and we never saw peach trees anywhere. ( We did have a raspberry patch, though :-) Thank you for such beautiful photos, Polly.
And…welcome back!!-