How do you Deal with Creative blocks? (Jane Davies Quote)

How do you Deal with Creative blocks? (Jane Davies Quote)
How do you overcome creative blocks? Detail of Up Through the Meadow (pastel) by Polly Castor

How do you deal with creative blocks?

“Being able to show up in your studio and paint, whether you feel like it or not, is a cultivated habit. So if you get in the habit of just showing up and doing some work, then you don’t get blocked.

We all have times when the output sucks, but it doesn’t get better if you don’t go into the studio. Sometimes you have to make some bad work, so just give yourself permission, and don’t beat yourself up.

One thing you can do, which is really specific, is to go into the studio and give yourself a time limit. Say, “I’m going to make marks for an hour,” or “I’m going to make marks for twenty minutes.” Don’t set that in terms of finishing anything, or making anything that you like, but put it in terms of the process.

Just don’t let yourself go fallow. You can get through a block by working. You don’t have to work all day, or make beautiful things. Do the process. Put paint on paper.”

from an interview with Jane Davies

How do you overcome creative blocks? Detail of Up Through the Meadow (pastel) by Polly Castor
I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.

1 Comment


  1. […] with her approach. She was a featured artist on this blog back in 2015 (see here) and I quoted her on the blog here,  and also here. A quote from her complimenting my work features prominently on the home page […]

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