Writing and Art Journaling Prompts

Writing and Art Journaling Prompts

Writing and Art Journaling Prompts

I’m heading off to Creative Arts Camp soon and the director asked for some journaling prompts both for writing in a journal and for an art journal. The two lists I’ve created here are just a quick bunch of suggestions, but are a great place to start. Have fun with this and dig deep for best results:

Writing Prompts:

  • things you are grateful for
  • goals and priorities
  • a happy memory
  • why that book/movie is your favorite
  • where you want to visit and what you want to do there
  • why do you identify with your favorite color?
  • seven of the oddest things you like
  • your biggest victory this year
  • your biggest struggle this year
  • positive affirmations about your body
  • good deeds you plan to do
  • what you’d like to do more often
  • what you’d like to do less often
  • your most recent dream
  • what book changed your life and why?
  • what are your best skills and when do you use them most?
  • what are you passionate about and why?
  • a letter to someone you need to forgive
  • what were favorite activities as a child?
  • who do you admire and why?
  • what is preventing you from pursuing your dreams?
  • describe your favorite season
  • what brings you satisfaction?
  • what risks are you eager to take
  • explain your most profound healing thought
  • what are your weaknesses and how can you fix them?
  • what does success mean to you?
  • what does your ideal daily routine look like?
  • what are three things you want to achieve in your life?
  • describe exactly what you do to get to get a sense of peace
  • describe the steps you take to get rid of negative emotions.
  • if you worked for the circus, what role would you play and why
  • what are three countries you want to visit and why?
  • in what way could your childhood have been better?
  • what are you doing to bring more justice into the world?
  • what is the biggest fear you’ve overcome and how did you do it?
  • what is your favorite sport to participate in?
  • if you had plenty of money, what would you do?
  • write a letter to your teenaged self
  • what have you done that you are most proud of?
  • describe lots of ways you could be more generous
  • what is something you’ve learned today?
  • what do you love about yourself?
  • describe your three most favorite foods
  • what memory do you most treasure?
  • describe your favorite natural setting
  • what do you like about where you live?
  • describe an embarrassing situation you have been in
  • tell about your best friend
  • tell a love story from your own life
  • what decision could you make that would make your whole life better?
  • what new things do you want to learn?
  • what were the results from your courageous action?
  • how can you use your skills and gifts in a new way?
  • what was your favorite thing to do as a child?
  • how are you feeling about tomorrow?
  • how do you want to be remembered in life?

Artist Journal Prompts:

  • doodle
  • paint how cake and icing feels on your tongue
  • paint your most recent dream
  • find a flower and draw it
  • illustrate a poem
  • draw a mandala
  • collage some paint samples from the hardware store
  • design a glamorous or outrageous outfit
  • stitch a design onto your page
  • fill a page with inspirational quotes in different handwriting styles
  • keep teabag tags, fruit stickers, receipts, etc and stick them on a page
  • paint your favorite word without using letters
  • illustrate your favorite song lyrics
  • fill your page with geometric shapes
  • draw or paint imaginary faces and diverse expressions
  • draw your breakfast
  • paint the sound of the loons
  • do crayon resist with watercolors
  • do a collage with magazine bits
  • do a contour drawing without looking at your paper
  • try your hand at calligraphy
  • print leaves on your page
  • imagine being free and paint it
  • draw the fire
  • draw puzzle pieces
  • paint the sunset
  • focus on something far away
  • use a beautiful juxtaposition of colors
  • layer different materials on top of each other
  • use a stencil
  • make a relief rubbing
  • depict how you are feeling
  • what does anger look like? or peace?
  • make an atmospheric landscape
  • draw a collection of similar things
  • draw overlapping objects
  • paint or draw the same thing in different seasons
  • paint or draw a metaphor
  • spatter paint across the page
  • how many different kinds of marks can you make?
  • how many different kinds of lines can you make?
  • do a spiraling motif
  • what does laughter look like? or listening?
  • paint your childhood wisdom
  • paint with your fingers
  • draw something you love
  • do a page of meditative dots
  • paint something delicious
  • depict leadership
  • draw metamorphosis
  • look up and record what you see from where you are
  • what does intuition look like?
  • use colors that feel honest to you
  • use a lot of black and a little white
  • use a lot of white and a little black
  • draw an experience of yours in a storyboard
  • draw to percussive rhythm
  • paint with cold colors
  • draw with hot colors
  • paint or draw timidly then boldly
  • express joy



I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. John+gregory 3 years ago

    All the armed prophets have been received.
    All the unarmed prophets have been eliminated.

    • Author
      Polly Castor 3 years ago


  2. Dilys 3 years ago

    Wow Polly!! You are buzzing with ideas. I will sit down and endeavour to answer all those questions in the writing prompts. Who knows it could be the start of something!?! Exciting!
    Enjoy your Creative Arts Camp.

    • Author
      Polly Castor 3 years ago

      I LOVE hearing this! Wish I could read it!!

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