Underneath the Everlasting Arms (acrylic) by Polly Castor
Father’s Day Poem for God
“Our Father which art in heaven.”
The supreme artist is our Source!
And yay that the kingdom of heaven
is on earth, here, and at hand.
Our heritage is creativity.
Our inheritance is infinite blessings.
The “our” part is wonderful
with all of us stemming from
this one marvelous divine Parent,
more Father/Mother than gendered,
better simply known as Love itself,
the originator and caretaker
of the universe,
inclusive of all good
and firm obliterator
of anything that is not.
Nurturing, guiding, guarding,
governing, protecting, compelling,
cherishing, thriving, and rejoicing,
providing, teaching, prevailing,
and generously giving to us!
Not only an example of life,
but the very fabric
of our Life itself,
not only the whole Truth,
the immutable Principle,
but the limitless Mind
that thought us up
as the best idea ever
showering us
with overflowing
omnipresent Spirit
and omnipotent Soul
gushing and cascading
with such abundance
it’s sluicing all over us,
bequeathing us irrevocably
as children of the Most High.
We return reflected light and glory
exchanging back and forth,
since by design we’re as close as
a likeness is to its image
mutually pivoting
and pirouetting around
the fulcrum of our
mirrored relationship.
You are always in communication with us.
You delight in and approve of us.
We honor You in each unfolding moment
with unbridled devotion to
and expressive manifestation of
the exact way You made us.
We are obedient, safe, and inspired.
We laud and magnify Your amazing
brilliance and benevolence.
We are absolutely dependent on You,
and rely on You completely.
Thank You for being always with us.
Thank You for literally for everything.
Polly Castor

Esprit (acrylic) by Polly Castor
I love your swirling universes, the spirals that draw one in and introduce us to ourselves. Talent.❤️
Nice, John. Yes!
And Yes, Polly!! Thank you
For Keeping It All Straight
Re The Creator Of The Universe–
Our Father (Mother)
GOD!P.S. Thank You, God, for giving us Yourself in all the wonderful “Dads!!”
P.S. I love your Infinite Universe Pastels with your Poem, too, Polly!
Wonderful!!! -
All I can think of after reading this exhilaration of praise for our Heavenly Father is ” Ta-Daa!” with arms outstretched and twirling in circles looking up to the open sky singing , Amen! God is Great!
Thank you, Polly.