Jugular (oil pastel) by Polly Castor
My Body is a Celebration of the Divine Mind
My body seems to talk to me
but this me is consciousness
which answers only to my Creator
not to any lower sense.
My body is wonderfully made
more majestic than mountains,
more spectacular than travel to Mars,
more strong than a hurricane’s gale.
My body is derivative.
Either a lower concept talks for it
causing static and mayhem
limitation, irritation, and fear,
matter, confusion, and inflammation–
or that weak, inept suggestion
can simply lay itself down
subservient, abased,
genuflected, reverential
in the light of the imperious
divine Mind that made this
amazing body of thought
which is all it actually is
encompassing every good idea,
chock full of frolicking
function and flexibility,
satisfaction and grace,
acceptance and elimination,
usefulness and capability,
health and fortitude,
mobility and expression,
stamina and processing,
agelessness and painlessness,
intelligence and honor,
flawlessness and elasticity,
generosity and sufficiency.
That list could go on forever.
Smooth skin, fast metabolism,
acute memory, powerful limbs,
full of energy, agile on the feet,
supple joints, secure teeth,
calm stomach, vigorous circulation,
steady heart, capacious lungs,
balanced hormones, amiable bowels,
acute hearing, brilliant vision.
My body is a bundle of
completely excellent ideas,
uncontaminated and unfettered
by anything else.
I am caused to be very good,
in God’s image and likeness,
spiritual and not material,
and my body’s task is
to glorify its Creator.
I cannot really do otherwise
although sometimes
I delude myself that I can.
(Stop that futile ridiculousness!)
My body’s purpose cannot be
interrupted or corrupted
by insubordination, mistake, or hubris.
My body is not recalcitrant or delinquent.
I am consistently and humbly obedient
to the way I am ultimately made.
Divine Mind is one hundred percent
and no disruptive nonsense is tolerated.
Only infinite good is sanctioned.
There is no room for more than all.
Thankfully, I am effect and not Source.
I must give up, and be as
perfect as my Creator.
My body is an outcome,
a delight, a freedom, a gift,
a consortium of beautiful intent.
My body is always protected
always operational, always aligned.
My body is a superb, eternal celebration
of the one and only divine Mind.
by Polly Castor

Truth’s Honest Child (acrylic) by Polly Castor
Polly, this needs to be framed and prominently displayed – I guess that’s exactly what Mind is thinking about each idea! Much love and my deep thanks…. Gillian
Will sure … contemplate this one.
(Been in a battle–albeit illusive, I admit.)Feeling……astounded…by your Insights,
as usual….🙄
Maybe the nose should be a little shorter? Sorry, I thought of Pinocchio! Lol! Really love the poem!
It is intentionally a spiritual correction of Pinocchio, if you read the title.
I love this poem, Polly, and I shall read it often! I feel sure it will help lift my thought to healing.
“Stop that futile ridiculousness!” Indeed!
Great follow-up to Andrew Shepard’s musings the other day!