Not Proud to Be an American (acrylic) by Polly Castor
I pray that a record number of voters vote in this election.
I pray for kindness and respect to return to this nation.
I pray for patience and decency on the losing side.
I pray everyone keeps their reactions under control.
I pray that once the results are definite that there is grace in those that need to concede, and not obfuscation.
I pray that justice is not partisan.
I pray for fair play and not litigation or congressional maneuvering.
I pray voter suppression to be ineffective.
I pray that all absentee ballots are uncontested.
I pray diversity can be seen as a good thing, a strength.
I pray that white supremacists and womanizers are sent a clear message that their stance is not okay.
I pray the environment will survive whoever is elected.
I pray for healing and a collective exhale after the election.
I pray we can all love our neighbors, no matter what.
I pray for faith in the process, and a shared vision for an America that includes everyone.
I pray for divine Principle to govern and not human hubris.
I pray for wisdom, compassion, integrity, civility, and a decisive calm.
I pray for peaceful progress.
Heart sore over the division in this country, please join me in these pleas.
If you’d like to hear my husband’s podcast about praying after the election, you can do that here.

National Crisis (acrylic) by Polly Castor
Your prayer is extremely appropriate. My largest complaint about our country right now is that we are too divided; we share so much, and we trust each other so little. If that doesn’t end, and soon, we are far too vulnerable to our enemies, who are working behind the scenes to defeat us far more certainly than they would with a direct attack. I pray for intelligence, for vision, for brotherly love, for achieving the best that we all can be.
Thank you.
Thanks for this, Polly. And I pray to KNOW that God is in charge.